Sunday, December 17, 2017

Is it possible to remodel while keeping your store open?

Balancing a store renovation while it stays open for business is not an easy task! However, when it is necessary to complete a store renovation project while staying open, there are some important considerations before you start your renovation.

First of all, to ensure
smooth renovation work during business hours, find one of the best commercial construction companies in Toronto that can accommodate the needs of your customers and employees.Schedule the most optimal times for the renovation and construction hours.You can start by renovating various sections of your store, rather than undertaking all areas at once.

Most importantly, during store renovation, maintaining a safe operating environment should be the primary concern. For that, you need to abide by all safety codes.Check with your contractor regarding the specific codes that need to be followed and make certain that your commercial contractors are working together to ensure the safety of all parties involved in the renovation.

And in addition to that . . . the work areas of your store should be separated by a significant distance from areas that are open for business. It helps to limit noise and potential health hazards. Access to the construction areas should be restricted. Renovation works that produces loud sounds or dust should be conducted outside of retail hours.

Make sure your renovation work area is clear of debris. As the business stays open, cleaning up of work sites is a must, and anything that can’t be cleaned up should at least be covered up. Discuss with your contractor periodically to clearly mark all potential trip hazards and ensure all the liability obligations are met.
However, that’s not all; employees and customers must be well informed about each stage of the renovation. Appropriate signage should be posted for the customers to be informed of the project stages. Ensure that your customers will have excellent shopping experiences and your employees can work well during the construction. Make sure to let your customers and employees alike know the benefits and new options they will enjoy once the work is completed.

While staying open for business during a store renovation can present many challenges, with a skilled contractor business can go on as usual. The bottom line is, with careful planning, execution and flawless communication between owners, employees, contractors and customers renovations can have a very limited impact on the customer experience.   

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