Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Must Have Products For Your Office

When you plan to set up an office there are chances of you underestimating your needs or you may end up buying more than you actually need. If you are planning to buy products for your office, remember that there is much more to consider than just the computer, desk, and chair. Do you find it difficult to figure out your needs? You have one thing less to worry about now. This article will walk you through "10 must-have products for your office".

Retro Patents
Limited edition vintage patent prints may be perfect for the wall behind the desk in your office. It is a good way of reminding us that every great company started with a basic idea.

Desk Organizer 
Use the space you do have to your advantage. Fill up pens, pencils, and much more in plastic containers.

Monitor Stand
Using a monitor stand will add some extra space to your desk. You will be able to put other items under the computer.

Sticotti Shelving System
The entire system hangs from a master wall-mounted bracket. The shelves join together with a precise interlocking system and can be customized to fit any space.

Oristand is a standing desk converter. It'll help you maintain good posture and burn calories.

Smart Desk
Smart Desk combines a powerful PC and a motorized desk, brimming with features from gesture control to wireless charging.

Herman Miller Aeron
Herman Miller Aeron is a new and improved model chair, built to give you lasting comfort while you sit all day, regardless of your body type or sitting preferences. 

A Cable Management System
A simple cable management system can hide your power strip and double as another surface for you to store your devices. 

Company Cell Phone
Issuing employees with company cell phones is a great way to keep their personal lives personal and their professional lives, professional. 

Whether you’re sitting at your desk, in a meeting or chatting to clients, you should always have a notepad on hand ready to write down important information thrown your way.

If you are planning an office renovation, we can help you out. At Cornerstone, we sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Call us for your commercial renovation needs.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

5 Ways To Increase ROI Of Your Business

ROI isn't the same as profit from the sale of goods or services. It's the financial return you receive from spending money. As a small owner, increasing your return on investment depends greatly on your ability to manage finances and handle company assets. Listed below are 5 ways to increase the ROI of the business.

Focus on the Niche 
If you are involved in multiple businesses, try to focus on the main purpose of each one to help navigate through the many tasks you may have to go through. It is easy to lose focus when deluged with many tasks, and it helps to keep in mind the core activities for your business when taking decisions and multi-tasking by prioritizing.

Trimming Business Departments 
Choosing whether you need to eliminate or restructure a few departments will help the business in the long run. If you are in need of immediate funds, eliminating departments with poor performance records can allow you to devote more money to profitable departments and increase ROI. Investing time and money on the training employees can also increase their efficiency and it can increase the ROI significantly.

Work Effectively 
As you grow, your daily responsibilities will grow with you. It means focusing on the right products or channels to get to prospects. Try different approaches to get in front of your clients and customers. Investing your company's profits wisely can allow your business to increase growth and overall value even if revenue slows down.

Focus On The Internet
Social media presence is very important in today’s world for any business. Proper construction of your website and search engine optimization (SEO) can attract a lot of valid leads and it will encourage the customers to explore your website.

If your office hasn't been renovated in a long time, or if you are running out of space to run your business, then you may be in need of a renovation. Remodeling can boost the return on investment (ROI) of the business. 

If you have a plan for your office, need to improve your space management, or don't like the present look anymore, trust Cornerstone to handle the changes professionally. Get in touch with our renovation contractor now to increase the ROI of your business. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

5 Signs You Need An Office Renovation

An office renovation project can bring a lot of joy as well as stress. Managing a project is a daunting task, especially one that involves a lot of people and processes. But how do you know that you need a change? Listed below are 5 signs that you need an office renovation.

Outdated Appearance, Office Furniture & Equipment
Chairs break, tables get scratched, sofas begin to look worn out. This is the prime sign that indicates your office needs a renovation. This  spoils the overall look and feel of the office and it eventually creates an outdated appearance. You can contact the office renovators to fix the problem.

Less Client Visit
The workplace shouldn't be an embarrassment. If you notice that your regular client is refusing to visit your office and arranging meetings in other places, it is a sign that your office needs a renovation. 

Not Reflecting the Brand Image
An office is a place where your brand image will be reflected. Is your workspace reflecting the right brand image? If not, it is time for you to consider an office renovation. Every business has its own corporate culture and needs, and therefore an office must be able to showcase your business philosophy, while hiking up your core business value.

Employees Looking Unhappy & Unsatisfied
Your employees are the backbone of your business, if they are unhappy it will slow down your growth. According to research, it was found that office interiors and décor produce a high-impact on employee motivation levels. As employees spend most of their time within the office, it’s your responsibility to provide a comfortable, soothing and relaxed workplace for them.

Poor Communication
There may be many reasons for poor communication, like poorly designed interiors. If your office space is well designed your employees will enjoy seamless communication. The objective of the above discussion is to draw your attention towards office interior renovation.

At Cornerstone, we sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Contact our office remodelling crew for your renovation needs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Simple Ideas For a Refreshed Office Interior Design

An Office renovation offers you an excellent opportunity to impress visitors, clients, and your employees. It is definitely a worthwhile task to transform an uninspiring space into a beautiful workspace. To create a stand-out office space you have to consider design, space, and budget. An Office renovation is something that you should give very serious consideration to, and here are a few simple ideas for a refreshed office interior design.

The Flexible Workspace
Big giant companies use this kind of approach for their employees, where the employees use moveable furniture such as tables, desks, and chairs. It is different from the regular workspace where the tables and chairs are fixed. The concept behind flexible workspace is to promote collaboration among employees. The unassigned seating arrangement allows them to work in a free environment and this increases productivity.

Biophilic Design
Nature centred workspace has gained immense popularity recently. Biophilic design is a concept used within the building industry to increase occupant connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions. This allows employees to be calm and relaxed.

Elements Involved And Lighting
Natural Light: Natural light gives a better effect when compared to artificial light. And natural lights are healthier than artificial ones. So allowing sunlight or daylight to enter into the office through glass doors, high glass ceilings, glass walls, or windows will help in a positive way.
Plants: Plants improve concentration and health. The plants also help in purifying the toxic air.

Home Like Surrounding
The whole point of renovating the office space is to increase productivity. Making the workspace more relaxing and stress-free will make it home-like and it will also increase productivity. Group meetings can be held in informal modes like sitting in a living-room having cosy sofas and chairs.

Activity-Based Office Space
In activity-based office design, you’ll find different types of areas- public office areas, privacy areas, quiet focus areas, meeting areas, lounge areas. In this office design employees can work according to their activity.

At Cornerstone, we sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Contact our office remodelling crew for your renovation needs.

Monday, September 30, 2019

How To Be The Most Organized Office Renovation Planner

Planning an office renovation is an exciting process. This is a sign that the business is growing. A renovation can mean a readjustment in attitude, identity, and a clean slate. Before jumping into the renovation project there is plenty to consider.

Whether small or big,  organization is key when it comes to planning an office refurbishment. Here are a few preparatory steps you need to undertake to become a productive organized office renovation planner and to ensure everything goes off smoothly.

Pre-Planning Renovation
The intricacies and stress of an office renovation project can be daunting. However, proactive planning can be very helpful in sidestepping the headaches that might otherwise plague a remodeling project. Deciding on the budget, miscellaneous expenses, planning about the need for additional units like furniture will come under this step.

Reason Of Renovation
Evaluate the core needs, know the central reason for renovating your office. Is it for a simple change of décor or do you want to increase productivity and actually make changes in the physical aspects of the office? Decide what you are trying to achieve from your office refurbishment and then speak to your renovation contractor who can perform an assessment and advise on how to achieve your goals.

Plan Thoroughly
Yes! This is the next step after pre-planning and having a focus area for your renovation project. You should have a good idea of your project’s goals and timeline. Make a list of what you hope to accomplish, and rank it in order of its’ importance.

Allocate Time And Assign Responsibilities
One of the most crucial elements in a seamless renovation is allocating time and assigning responsibility. Establishing a team early, with all the required disciplines, builds a strong group that will work well together and develops a sense of ownership toward the project.

Use The Checklist
If you create a checklist of the items you need to purchase, remove or repair, it will be helpful during the office renovation process. You can also get readymade checklists that are available online for making the process easy.

If you have a plan for your office, need to improve your space management, or don't like the present look anymore, trust Cornerstone to handle the changes professionally. We sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Contact us for your commercial renovation needs.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

7 Ways A Well Designed Office Keeps Employees Healthy

Ready for a change? Store and office renovations will not only attract more clients and customers but it will also have a positive effect on the health of the workers. Maintaining your health is important, and being that you probably spend the majority of your waking hours at work, it’s important to maintain a healthy office environment.

For many employers, healthcare costs represent the fastest-growing and second-largest operating expense after employee wages. Following the strategies given below can help businesses create employee-centric and healthy work environments that increases productivity, happiness, and retention.

Invest In A Standing Desk
A standing desk will get you out of the seat reducing the side effects that are associated with a sitting desk. But being on your feet all day can lead to a lot of problems as well, so plan for a convenient setup and use a chair when needed.

Add A Potted Plant To Your Desk
Smallest things will help to a greater extent. Bringing nature into your office can be a great way to inspire creativity and a feeling of wellness. Opt for green, leafy plants that may increase the air quality.

Stop Eating At Your Desk
Constructing a pantry is essential in an office. Sitting away from the desk for lunch will help in resetting your brain for afternoon productivity. It will also give a chance to interact with colleagues. 

Workout During Free Hours
Constructing a workout space in the office will be very rejuvenating. Even if you can't fit in a full workout over your lunch break, you can still do some simple stretches and strength moves right in your office. Keeping small workout props, like hand weights or resistance bands, within eyesight can encourage you to take exercise breaks throughout the day.

Adjust Your Lighting
Research says employees with windows in the workplace received 173 percent more white light exposure during work hours and slept an average of 46 minutes more per night than employees who did not have the natural light exposure in the workplace. There also was a trend for workers in offices with windows to have more physical activity than those without windows.

Paint Your Walls Green
Green is a mix of blue and yellow – so it combines the cheerfulness of yellow with the calming effects of blue. Green is so heavily associated with nature, it is often described as a refreshing and tranquil colour and it is believed to help relieve stress.

At Cornerstone, we sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Contact our commercialcontractors in GTA now to design an office that keeps employees healthy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Strategies To Maximize Your Office Space

Planning an office renovation can be very exciting and interesting. After investing in a good property every inch will matter to you. You should take everything into consideration like furniture, colour scheme, lighting, storage quotient, reception, conference room, etc.

Developing a successful strategy, however, requires careful planning, data gathering, analysis, and forecasting. It requires a deep understanding of the enterprises’ critical values, with future goals in mind. For many workplace management teams, this is a daunting task, riddled with a multitude of influencing factors that need to be addressed along the way. Let’s take a look at a few necessities to help you revamp your space strategy and improve organizational efficiency.

Office Space Goals
Whether your organization is renovating an existing space or designing a new one, you along with your renovation contractor should plan everything from beginning to the end. You should talk about the list of departments that will be housed, a headcount of current employees, foot traffic and machinery information.

Aligning Your Strategy With Workforce Needs
Now that you have identified organizational goals, the needs of your workforce should align with the tools you are going to make available. And you should decide on tools which are not only beneficial currently, but also extend themselves to successful growth and productivity.

Having The Right Amount Of Space
Having the wrong space can interrupt your business or make it difficult to operate. You need to plan carefully when you calculate how much office space you need. This also helps in ensuring safety. If a fire or some other emergency occurs, you want enough space so that people can exit the building safely and quickly.

Arrangement Of Furniture
Determine the goal of your furniture arrangement. Consider putting your desk near a window to get the most light in your workspace. Once you know the size of the room and the size of your furniture, you can make some preliminary plans on how to position your furniture for maximizing the workspace. You can make it more welcoming to clients, maximize your productivity, and increase aesthetics.
Open Office Floor Plan
Last but not least the open office plan increases collaboration, employee satisfaction, and communication.

At Cornerstone, we have completed many successful commercial renovation projects and we have the experience and expertise to handle your project. Get in touch with our commercialcontractor to maximize your office space.

Friday, September 6, 2019

5 Tips For Designing Office Layout

What is the operational goal your company wants to achieve with the space it has? Answering this question will give you a clear idea of your needs. Optimizing the workspace is not just about arranging the furniture, but it is more than that. You can refresh your office by following a few simple tips and tricks. Listed below are five important aspects that you should consider when planning an office design.

Natural Light And Greenery
Natural light and greenery will have a positive impact on your employees health and researchers say that it can certainly increase productivity. Moreover, because natural light reduces the need for artificial lighting during daytime hours, energy costs are lowered. A significant improvement was found in employee recruitment and retention as a result of green retrofits.

Having The Right Amount Of Space
Having the wrong type of space can interrupt your business or make it difficult to operate. You and your commercial contractor need to plan carefully when you calculate how much office space you really need. This also helps in ensuring safety. If a fire or some other emergency occurs, you want to have enough space so that people can exit the building safely and quickly.

Storage And Cleanliness
Storage is often the last thing considered when it comes to office design, but it’s a very important factor to plan for. In addition to using paperless solutions such as cloud storage, look into different types of physical storage to optimize the amount of space in your office while also keeping everything stored in place. Of course, choosing the right furniture will help in this aspect.
Once you spend enough time in an office environment, you need to make a cleaning schedule and stick to it.

Lobby Design
Just like conference rooms and offices, lobbies play an important role in contributing to a positive work environment through design, and they also reflect your brand. So when planning an office renovation, it is important to take the lobby into consideration. Lobbies are not just an entryway or waiting space, but the first impression a client has of your company.

Open Office Floor Plan
Last but not least the open office plan can add to the motivational levels of company employees, and increase collaboration, employee satisfaction, and communication.

At Cornerstone, we have completed many successful commercial renovation projects and we have the experience and expertise to handle your project. Contact our renovationcontractor for refreshing your office.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5 Steps To Surviving Your Office Renovation

Upgrading office space is not easy. Planning an office renovation can be a nightmare for building owners and managers. But a well-planned renovation will reduce the level of stress. Don't just survive your office renovation, flourish with these 5 tips.

Be A Project Manager
To make a stress-free renovation process, it is important to handle the project with care and manage it properly. Taking inputs from staff and updating the progress in the project will be beneficial to them as well as you. Make sure you’re sharing information with staff, clients, and customers so that they know when to expect projects to be complete.

Build A Robust Schedule
Whether you are focusing on a relatively minor refresh or a major re-invention, your office renovation should be driven by a well thought out schedule. By setting goals into place and sticking to a schedule, you and your staff will not be stuck wondering what part of the project will take place when, and how long it will be until life will return to the way it once was.

Partner With Proven Commercial Contractors
Construction partnering is a commitment between a project owner and the commercial contractor. You will get the end-to-end expert support that you want, need and deserve from Cornerstone's commercial contractor service in Toronto. Our project managers will provide regular sight reviews and actively participate in the process from turn-over to the opening.

Reduce The Mess
One of the most common obstacles faced during the office renovation is clearing the dirt and debris by end of day, each day. Normally spic and span offices can accumulate dust due to drywall and flooring. If you are working in the office during the construction process you will have to constantly clear the mess so that employees are not exposed to too much dust. In some cases, additional janitorial services may be required, and that could be your responsibility, not the contractors.

Remain Positive
Make sure to encourage your employees to keep them going. Remind them about the good effects their new workspace can have.

If you are planning an office renovation in Toronto, we offer commercial contracting services from tendering projects, to full design-build services, to comprehensive project management services. At Cornerstone we understand that no 2 businesses are the same, we always customize services based on the individual needs of a business. Contact Cornerstone to get in touch with our commercial contractor.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Plan Ahead for A Successful Office Renovation

The process of an office renovation can be hectic and time-consuming. But planning it well in advance will reduce a lot of stress. Listed below are 5 steps to plan a successful office renovation. 

Identify Goals
The first and foremost step in any office renovation project, is identifying goals. Asking questions like, ‘What factors are driving the renovation? What issues will affect the schedule of the project? Can the budget realistically support these expectations?’ Answers to these questions will help you in identifying the goals.

Plan Ahead For Staff Re-deployments
Your staff may end up working remotely for a few days during the renovation process. It will be wise to plan and to ensure that they have somewhere to go like a temporary office space or home. Planning the office renovation off their peak work hours will reduce your burden to some extent.

Create Contingency Plans & Budgets
Apart from planning the actual budget, it is also important to plan the contingency budget. This money is set aside to cover unexpected costs during the construction process. This money is on reserve and not allocated to one area of the work. Solid contingency plans and a contingency budget will ensure that these do not derail your project.

Create A Communication Plan
The communication plan should involve the employees, customers, and suppliers. If you own a store your employees should know the timeline and it should be informed to them well ahead. Many businesses also choose to involve employees in their overall office renovation project, such as having polls and surveys to choose things like colours, materials, office furniture items, and so on.

Partner With Proven Commercial Contractors
Last but certainly not least: the smartest and safest way you can plan for a successful office renovation is by partnering with a proven commercial contractor. Construction partnering is a commitment between a project's owner and the office renovator. You will get the end-to-end expert support that you want, need and deserve from Cornerstone's commercial contractor in Vaughan. Our project managers will provide regular sight reviews and actively participate in the process from turn over to the opening.

If you are planning for an office or store renovations in Vaughan, commercial contractors at Cornerstone will help you with budgeting, design, scheduling, and securing building permits. The proposals are prepared based on your requirements and design drawings. Our professionals will help you with the project execution from start to end. We collaborate with all project partners to ensure all elements comply with the project budget and schedule. Get in touch with us to manage your project from inception through closeout.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Best Time of the Year for Remodeling Projects

Remodeling your home or office can be done at any time of the year if you are ready and prepared for it. Whenever you decide to get started, planning your Remodeling well in advance will avoid any last-minute chaos and associated issues. Deciding on your Remodeling needs ahead of schedule will help you in communicating your goals, budgets, and plans with your renovation contractor. You can also discuss the renovation with your employees to keep them informed and to gather their ideas. Additionally, you can plan to keep customers happy and mitigate any challenges that come with a workplace Remodeling.

Though an office renovation can happen year-round there are a few tips to complete the work on time and under budget.

The Busy Season
April through June is the busiest season for most construction and Remodeling firms. The warmer climate allows for more work time and spares workers the challenge of working in the cold. Thus soon after winter, renovations will happen in a full swing. The renovators will also work in a tight schedule this season. You may end up spending a lot of money if you schedule a renovation contract at this point in time because your contractors will have lots of options. Make sure to book them well in advance.

Understanding Supply and Demand
Demand and price are directly proportional. When the demand for contractors is more their rates shoot up. This is very similar to the first point. Peak season and busy times for contractors can be a concern. This applies for products as well, during Christmas, for example,many households are building out their interior spaces, which may drive the cost of the of building materials like paint, lumber, and cement up.

Winter and rainy seasons
Rainy and winter seasons are considered the low season for building and Remodeling for obvious reasons. Renovation contractors may be free at this time, so if you are doing an interior renovation you may be able to get great rates. If this is an outdoor renovation, then the elements will slow down work and drive up costs.

Remodeling during October through December
This is typically when large construction and Remodeling projects will be finishing up. If you start the work at this time you may be able to get a great deal. Business will be slow for contractors during this season and the building materials will also be available at a comparatively lower prices.

All told, the right time of the year for Remodeling and renovation projects is when you, your employees, and your customers are ready. Keeping your Remodeling needs and budget in mind will help you in planning a successful project. Do make sure to understand your building contractor’s terms and conditions before jumping into a project, particularly how they related to weather and down time. Do make sure to choose the right contractor who has great rapport with engineers, designers, and other construction workers.

Contact Cornerstone to manage your project from inception, through design, implementation, permit, and construction to close.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

5 Reasons Why Commercial Building Design Matters

Why does commercial building design matter? Your office design and work environment will affect your employees' productivity and the first impression potential customers form of your business. Altering and renovating your office has a positive effect when done properly. An effective remodel which keeps up with emerging trends can increase productivity, available space, efficiency, curb-appeal and even sales. You can design your workspace to represent your work culture.  All said your employees will also love to work in a well-designed workspace. Below are reasons why commercial building design matters.

An Underused Branding Opportunity
A lot of thought and brainstorming goes into effectively designing a commercial space. Branding is all about having a brand identity, positioning your company to reflect that identity, and illustrating personality. It is not just branding for your customers but your employees will also feel honored to work in such an environment. Plan the right design with your commercial office renovator to build your brand.

Lighting and ventilation
A recent study shows that in buildings with good daylight conditions workers are 18% more productive, students achieve 5-14% higher test scores, and retail spaces achieve 15-40% higher sales. At the same time, better ventilation was shown to improve workplace productivity by 11%. So, it is very natural that the office owners and builders are keeping these design needs in mind. Keep your employees healthy and alert to keep them productive.

Department specific goals
Each department is important and every department will have specific goals. Designing all the departments in the same way is not ideal. For example, a design team may enjoy a colourful, creative, free-flowing space whereas the accounts team may want things very standardized and organized. Understand your team’s needs to design the perfect space for them.

Dynamic spaces
Many new offices use working space dynamically. You can discuss this with your commercial contractor to make optimum use of the space. Unused spaces can be used for everything from physical fitness to gamming to nap time. Removing partitions between offices may elevate employee interaction and innovation. This will also make the office space look larger. Plan to incorporate multi-purpose open spaces in your new office.

Plants and foliage
Going green is a major interior design trend. It improves air quality and these plants have the power to reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

Contact Cornerstone @ or call @ Call: 905-364-5588 to build a productive office space.

Friday, May 31, 2019


Choosing the right commercial contractor for constructing your commercial space can become a stressful process if you don’t know what to look for. Here are a few guidelines to follow for selecting the perfect commercial contractor for your office space renovation project. Following these rules may save you a lot of time, money, and stress.
Collaborate with Your Project Partners
Making sure your builder has a strong working relationship with other project partners may alleviate many challenges. Regular communication with architects, designers, engineers, and other service providers is critical to project success. A strong relationship between them will help your contractor in understanding the project better.
Make sure to review your builder’s work profile and successful projects they have delivered over the years. Additionally, if possible, speak to their clients. This will give you a feel for not only their actual construction ability, but also if they are easy to work with. Choosing a player who has been in the field for a long time may be a wise choice. You can always rely on an experienced, licensed commercial contractor who is highly regarded in your community.
A One Window Solution
Getting one-stop service from your contractor may make your project run smoother as you will have to deal with fewer people. Managing your project from inception through design, implementation, QA, and close out will mean one firm is held accountable. Your contractor making the initial plans, working on it, coordinating with the other service providers, conducting inspections and keeping a track of the assessment reports will make the work simple for you.
Old Wine In A New Bottle?
Not every project requires building an entirely new working space from the ground up. If you are planning on altering, but not fully tearing down, your working place you can opt for commercial renovation services. This can include expanding the workspace, renovating the existing floor space or remodeling the whole area without a full rebuild.Your commercial contractor should listen to your needs and work on it. The team at Cornerstone will put themselves in the shoes of the customers and provide unbeatable service and work quality.
Visit @ or call @ 905-364-5588.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Renovating the workspace may increase productivity if it is done right. Once you have decided to renovate your working space communicate your plans with your employees. Even if you won't relocate or stop working during the renovation process, take in their inputs. Choosing the right commercial contractor will be your next step. Know about your contractor, and consider factors like experience, reliability, and projects handled in the past before choosing your contractor. Discuss and plan the layout with your contractor and other project partners before the actual execution. Listed below are a few office/store renovation ideas that you can follow to create a better work environment.
Gone are the days when the office was painted with professional lighter colours. The usual white and greys may be boring. Choosing of bold, bright and vibrant colours may generate energy. This may also create a positive effect on the employees and the workspace becomes welcoming. Bright pops of happy colour can excite the employee and they may end up working for longer hours.
Removing the partition wall between the cabin will elevate the employee interaction. This will also make the office space look larger.
Writing on whiteboards or chalkboards will induce creativity. Using notepads and pinning sticky notes may not have this effect. It is also a cost-effective way of improving creativity in the workplace.
Ideas are born here. The conference room should not be claustrophobic. The meeting room's design should be designed to evoke the brainstorming process. You can take down the ideas of your contractor during the Commercial renovation process.
Closing down all the windows may produce a negative effect. Bringing in the outer sunlight and air maybe rejuvenating. Replacing the smaller windows with bigger ones means you spend less money on heating and cooling the workplace.
For your commercial renovation needs contact Cornerstone @ or call @ Call: 905-364-5588.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Top Office Design Trends For 2019 And Beyond!

Office interior design plays a crucial role in the success of a business and that is why it is getting more and more important year over year.  New office design trends are evolving and often these design trends occur in reaction to changes in the way employees work. A cutting edge office interior design often innovates to best promote an efficient office. Therefore, it’s important to stay abreast of the newest trends.Here are some of the top office design trends for 2019 and beyond.

·       Activity Based Working Settings -These days, the nature of work is so complex and uncertain, a single, all-purpose workstation does not fits all. Activity Based Working (ABW) gives the employees a choice of work settings, each designed for a different type of task, such as individual workstations, meeting areas, formal meeting spaces, project rooms, collaboration areas, concentration zones etc.

·       Office Design That Reflects Your Brand Identity - Every company has a story to tell, and renovating the interior of the office to reflect your brand identity will help you share that story to inspire your employees. This kind of workplace design philosophy gives your office a sense of identity.It can also give your employees a heightened sense of their overall goals.

·       Classic Meets Contemporary - Whilst some trends go out of fashion almost as soon as they make their impact, some remain and even experience a rise in popularity once again. Combining the 'classic look' around a contemporary workplace may help to breathe new life into your workspace.

·       Bring Biophilic Design To Your Workplace -To incorporate a biophilic design to your office, you have to bring plants and natural materials into the workplace. You can keep it simple with potted plants or take a more elaborate approach by converting one of your office walls into a living green wall which holds dozens of plants.

·       More Artwork -With increasing demand for creative office design, your workplace no longer needs to be uniform or plain. Artworks can be used in your office as a means of celebrating and communicating the ethics of your business. Incorporate company logos, motivational text, and mission statements into pieces of art that reflect your company’s image.

·       Fun And Relaxing Recreation Rooms -Who says spending time at the office has to be boring and stressful? A large number of companies are creating recreation spaces where people can take a break and have fun.
These recharge rooms give people a chance to relax and socialize and build stronger connections between teammates. Adding comfort elements like bean bags and lounge chairs can instill a sense of relaxation & fun and genuinely makes people feel better.
If you’re looking to perform any type of office renovation in the GTA, hire Cornerstone one of the trusted Commercial Renovation Contractors to help you create an environment that makes a statement about who you are as a company or organization.