Friday, August 31, 2018

How To Prevent Delays In Your Store Renovation Project?

Dealing with delays is a major store renovation challenge because it’s often unpredictable and can be extremely expensive. While reasons for delays may be out of your control,there are some things you can do as a store owner to prevent and deal with delays. The following are essential points to be addressed in order to decrease the chances of delays in your store renovation project.

·       Gaps In Communication-Without collaboration and up-to-date communication, it’s easy to get behind on your store renovation project. Whenever something on-site pops up—whether it’s a design change, un-expected weather, unforeseen site conditions, or any other issue—excessive time to communicate and make decisions slows everyone down.Quick and up-to-date communication reduces the chances of delay and makes it easier to get the work done in a shorter period of time.

·       Know Your Sole Point Of Contact - A store renovation can be complex and involves many parties including the owner, designers, subcontractors, employees, and consultants.If one party is not communicating with another, a break-down ensues.  Your contract should say who your person of contact is. Open line of communication with your solepoint-of-contact is crucial in ensuring the correct message is delivered to the correct person

·       Hire An Experienced Commercial Contractor-An expert commercial contractor in Markham will be prepared for unexpected delays, and leave room in the original schedule, avoiding loss of crucial time. Delays often leads to disappointed and upset customers. A schedule with space for delays is much more reasonable and results in a positive experience for all. Before the process begins, understand that your store renovation schedule requires a little flexibility and trust your commercial contractor to handle potential issues.

·       Do Not Delay On Selecting Products - Once you have selected your commercial contractor in Toronto, everything starts moving relatively quickly. After your contractor has taken measurements of the space to remodel it will be your responsibility as the store owner to select the products to be installed. Do your research and make your selections ahead of time and it’ll pay off in saved time. Remember that in renovation, one decision affects several other decisions. For eg: Electrical wires cannot be installed until you have selected your lighting. Make it a priority to order your products as soon as you have the green light from your contractor.  Need help?  Ask your commercial contractor for assistance.  

·       Be Confident In Your Decisions -Once you have signed your contract and signed off on your final design, stop looking on the internet for additional ideas….we know, its tempting.  Don’t do it.  Revising your store design will definitely affect your completion date. One small change could cost you a day or a week.  Either way, it is a delay.

·       Be Available - If there is one thing we could say to a store owner to help their commercial contractor complete their store renovation on time is –BE AVAILABLE!  When your commercial contractor in Markham calls you and needs you to make a decision, consider it a high priority. Be available and be present (ie: avoid distractions) when meeting with your contractor.

While many delays are unpreventable, others can be easily alleviated if identified early.Hiring an experienced Commercial Contractor inToronto will eliminate many of these major causes of store renovation delays, leading to faster, efficient and quality results.

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