Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Must Have Products For Your Office

When you plan to set up an office there are chances of you underestimating your needs or you may end up buying more than you actually need. If you are planning to buy products for your office, remember that there is much more to consider than just the computer, desk, and chair. Do you find it difficult to figure out your needs? You have one thing less to worry about now. This article will walk you through "10 must-have products for your office".

Retro Patents
Limited edition vintage patent prints may be perfect for the wall behind the desk in your office. It is a good way of reminding us that every great company started with a basic idea.

Desk Organizer 
Use the space you do have to your advantage. Fill up pens, pencils, and much more in plastic containers.

Monitor Stand
Using a monitor stand will add some extra space to your desk. You will be able to put other items under the computer.

Sticotti Shelving System
The entire system hangs from a master wall-mounted bracket. The shelves join together with a precise interlocking system and can be customized to fit any space.

Oristand is a standing desk converter. It'll help you maintain good posture and burn calories.

Smart Desk
Smart Desk combines a powerful PC and a motorized desk, brimming with features from gesture control to wireless charging.

Herman Miller Aeron
Herman Miller Aeron is a new and improved model chair, built to give you lasting comfort while you sit all day, regardless of your body type or sitting preferences. 

A Cable Management System
A simple cable management system can hide your power strip and double as another surface for you to store your devices. 

Company Cell Phone
Issuing employees with company cell phones is a great way to keep their personal lives personal and their professional lives, professional. 

Whether you’re sitting at your desk, in a meeting or chatting to clients, you should always have a notepad on hand ready to write down important information thrown your way.

If you are planning an office renovation, we can help you out. At Cornerstone, we sit on your side of the table to offer you end to end solutions. Call us for your commercial renovation needs.

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