Monday, February 24, 2020

8 Must-Haves for a Millennial-Friendly Workplace

Just like the every generation before them, Millennials are a group of people with differences. Since the Millennials are entering the workforce now it is important to cater to their needs. Let’s explore some of the ways you can make your workplace more Millennial-friendly.

Not Just Perks
There is always a myth that perks can help in employee retention. The perks may draw them in but a good employee relationship and the work culture will only aid in employee retention.
The workspace should be a positive environment where the employees feel a sense of camaraderie. That's what keeps the millennial happy and working at your company.

Social Outlets
Millennials are strong in networking and are connected with others outside the organization through social networking platforms. So, providing them with social outlets will help them in creating a rapport with fellow employees, which will, in turn, create a sense of belonging.

Work-Life Balance
Millennials tend to place a high value on work-life balance and "living the life to the fullest". This can mean boredom in the confinement of sitting in the cubicle for 40+ hours a week. Allowing paid off days and offering flexible working hours will help in maintaining the work-life balance.

Offering more feedback regularly, can benefit everyone within the organization. Millennials are accustomed to near-instant feedback in the digital space and on social platforms. Feedback should be both ways, allowing the employee to voice his or her opinion of the manager and company as well.

Corporate Social Responsibility
There is nothing more responsible than a company that gives back to the company. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is one of the major deciding factors when millennials choose a place to work.

Opportunities for Learning
Millennials are hungry to learn new skills and have access to learning opportunities. Providing them with the same will help in retaining them.

Recognize The Accomplishments
Millennials come from a world where their smallest accomplishments are posted on social media and publicized. Recognizing their accomplishments will be an encouragement for them.

Work Space
The workspace also plays a role in employee retention to a great extent. Having employee-friendly workspace is key to making the millennials happy.

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