Monday, September 4, 2017

Why Do Smart Decision Makers Choose Cornerstone for Construction Project Management?

When companies face schedule delays, uncontrolled spending, late deliverables & sub- par quality issues in their retail construction project, they often turn to project management experts to fix these issues. Just imagine how much more value project management experts can provide if they are involved from the initial planning stages and not only when a problem occurs.

However, not all project management organizations are alike. Cornerstone is one of the top retail project management companies in New York Tri-State Area that provides immediate construction project management solutions and long-term assistance for your retail project; enabling you to achieve successful results and the renovated space that you desire. Some factors that enable Cornerstone to deliver include:
With more than 20years of experience in construction project management & retail storerollouts, Cornerstone follows a strict code of ethics with respect to laws, regulations, and standards without compromising on quality.
Expert Project Managers
Cornerstone focuses on quality construction project management and our project managers are chosen and trained for that purpose. Our team of highly skilled project management professionals delivers innovative and sustainable solutions that add value to your project. Our project management consultants have deep understanding of technical issues, broad advisory capability to enhance results and meet our quality standards.
Cornerstone provides transparency throughout the construction project. We act in the best interest of the client, performing our role as agents of the client and avoiding conflicts of interest. Our well-designed construction project management system will allow for transparency from its inception that increases trust and strength of the client relationship. We work collaboratively with you throughout your project to deliver optimum solutions for your building and renovation needs.
We Have the Right Tools
Cornerstone has the right tools to work seamlessly with highly rated construction project management software systems. This enhances communication, promotes teamwork and improves scheduling accuracy, meeting deadlines, staying within budget, and ultimately resulting in a job well done. We make sure each step of your construction project is completed to your design specifications.
Exceptional Results with Maximum Efficiency
Our genuine commitment to quality is the secret behind our exceptional results. Our experienced construction management team delivers outstanding results with maximum efficiency at every phase of your project. We provide expertise on every project, no matter the size and deliver what we say -- with integrity, on time, on budget and with high quality.

What does your retail store require to achieve the next level of success?

Do you need extra space in your store because everything is feeling cramped? Are you getting tired of the layout of your current retail store and want something new? Is it hard for customers to find what they are looking for?
To address these concerns, you can renovate, reconfigure or redesign your retail store to attract more customers. But what is right for your store? Let’s see what your store needs.

Store Reconfiguration

If you want to give your retail store a new look and feel, then this is the easiest & most affordable way to do so. A store reconfiguration simply means changing the shape or formation of your store, but avoiding any building construction. A store reconfiguration with retail experts will improve the functionality, aesthetic appeal and customer flow of your store. Reconfiguring your retail store can make it more spacious and productivity-efficient with minimal disruption to business. This option is far less expensive than a full renovation project. The drawback to this approach is that the changes you can make in a store reconfiguration are limited when compared to a store renovation.  

Store Redesign

If the reason you want to redesign your store is driven primarily by aesthetic concerns, a redesign may be your best option. A store redesign is like a store refresh; it may involve changing your lighting scheme, repainting, or upgrading your furnishings. The more appealing a store, the more it can attract new customers. You may be surprised to learn that changing the design of your store and investing in attractive furniture and accessories will project a modern, trendy image to your clients. Even changing seemingly minor details, like the color of your walls or accessories, can yield big benefits. According to a study conducted by architecture firm Gensler, a well-designed store can boost productivity by a full 20%!

Interior Store Renovation

Unlike store reconfiguration and redesign that doesn’t modify a building's structure, store renovations do exactly that; they transform the interior of a store while leaving the exterior shell intact. A store renovation in Toronto allows you to completely transform your space to your exact specifications. This transformation doesn't happen overnight, though. For this in-depth construction project you need to hire an experienced commercial contractor in Toronto. If you own your building, or know you will remain in that location for the long term, investing in a store renovation may pay off in the long run.

Key Objectives of Retail Construction Project Management

Retail construction project management can be challenging and complex, requiring an experienced, steady hand to keep projects on track.  Effective retail construction must have a defined time frame and meticulous results oriented plan, for a successful project completion. The client’s goals must be clearly defined during the program planning process by the project manager. Cornerstone’s retail program planning team in the New York Tri-StateArea can help you manage and execute your retail construction project successfully by ensuring all your objectives are met. Six factors that go into effective retail construction project management include:

·        Cost management: One important objective of construction project management is to keep track of project budgets and continually monitor them to avoid going over budget. The project manager should identify & mitigate cost escalations during project execution to ensure the project is delivered within the budget.

·        Time management: Another objective is to make sure the project is completed on schedule through effective time management and execution. Project managers set milestones & prepare charts to track task time. The manager must take charge of scheduling activities, timeline tracking, and resource assignment to ensure that critical tasks that will be delivered on time.

·        Scope Management: The third objective of construction project management is to keep the project in scope by monitoring, identifying, and adjusting for anything that can impact the project's scope. Project scope identifies the features & functionalities that must be included and defines the boundaries of the project. Without a clear scope projects may easily get off track.

·        Risk management: The fourth objective of construction project management is to analyze and reduce potential risks. Project risk management is the process of recognizing potential problems that could cause trouble for your project, analyzing how likely they are to occur, and then taking action to prevent the risks.

·        Communications management: Construction project management ensures effective internal and external communications from project planning through project closeout; from arranging meetings and ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the project’s progress to ensuring sub contactors understand their responsibilities and timelines. Project communications management ensures prompt and appropriate distribution of project information.

·        Quality management: Managing quality is one of the fundamental objectives of construction project management which can be achieved by maintaining the balance of key objectives. Quality management ensures all key objectives are met and provides added value by improving the efficiency of the overall process.

Hire our renowned retail construction project management team in the New York Tri-State Area to add value to your project and ensure all functional requirements of your retail project are met.

Cornerstone Proudly Provides Premium Retail Construction Services

Cornerstone’s design-to-execution retail construction services are a comprehensive package of everything you need for a successful project - from initial conceptual design to construction to completion. This approach helps reduce project risk for the owner and fast tracks the delivery schedule by combining the design and construction phases into a single integrated plan. Cornerstone’s experience and expertise in design-build services makes us the top retail construction commercial contractors in Markham. 5 ways our design to execution service helps deliver outstanding and effective retail stores include:

·       Cornerstone’s design-build approach saves customer’s time by eliminating the bidding process.  In a traditional bidding approach, the customer has to choose a designer, confirm the design, bid out each piece of the project, choose contractors, and then act as an intermediary. In our design to execution approach, the designer and the contractor work hand-in-hand, which helps the contractor clearly understand the design and avoid project delays.

·       This design to execution method provides a single point of contact for your entire project. Everybody is on the same team and has the same goal, with Cornerstone steering the ship. This promotes teamwork and builds relationships that help to ensure a successful retail store renovation/construction project.

·       Working with an architect and a commercial contractor at the same time ensures that design or implementation challenges are discovered before construction begins.

·       Since the project planner, engineer and builder work together, there will not be any uncertainty in materials and construction specifications. The focus remains on protecting the client’s interest and delivering an effective, productive retail presence.

·       In a traditional bidding approach the customer at time is placed in an un-comfortable position, in the middle of disputes between the architect and the contractor. Using our design-build service, the architect and the contractor act as a team, mitigating owner liability for design and construction issues.

Our design to execution delivery method establishes clear lines of communication between the contractor & design team; reducing troubles, lowering costs, controlling the schedule, and ensuring a smooth delivery.